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Female Hair Transplant in Pakistan results in patients being encouraged and due to successful treatment most of the patients underwent transplant procedure to add density and thickness. The procedure is common at our clinic in Lahore Pakistan. This treatment is popular and a lot of patients are benefiting from this procedure. Female hair restoration changed their life socially and cosmetically and also restored their self esteem and overcame their problems. Thinning is a routine matter and hair surgeons transplant tiny groups of grafts or follicles into the bald or recipient area. These tiny follicles or grafts are extracted from the safe donor area or permanent zone on the back and sides of the scalp. Before undergoing treatment physicians must rule out any medical condition, causing thinning in the scalp. This treatment is only successful if there is adequate donor supply and their quality should be good. If follicles in the donor area will be thin then transplanted hair in the recipient area would be thin too. It is extremely important to select a surgeon with care. Only qualified and expert surgeons produce excellent results and your purpose of surgery would be fulfilled. There are a lot of factors which must be considered during initial consultation by your doctor like angle ,direction and color so that when newly transplanted grafts will grow, these merge with existing and look natural and perfect with orientation. Every patient is not a suitable candidate for surgery. There are few more things which should be considered in advance. It is very much important to check the quality and quantity of the donor area. Similarly skin elasticity of the donor area is another important consideration before a surgeon goes for procedure. At the time of initial consultation with your surgeon, one must discuss the cost of surgery whether its cost is in your budget or not. There are a lot of techniques and cost varies from technique to technique and similarly clinic to clinic as well. Some clinics have transplant doctors and their cost of surgery is much higher. Try to find a doctor directly so that you can get a maximum discount. However some time this procedure might require complicated techniques or multiple sessions, in such cases the cost of hair restoration would be on the higher side. Hair Transplant cost in Pakistan is affordable and the average cost would be between 1500-2000 Dollars. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry has performed female hair transplant in Pakistan successfully for the last 20 years.

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is the best and top surgeon for female hair restoration surgery in Pakistan. He is trained & qualified from France, has more than 21 years experience and continuously updating his knowledge and latest techniques.

The cost or price range for female hair restoration surgery in Pakistan is 75000 to 150,000 Pak Rupees.

To get an appointment you may call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999